
Support for Myanmar citizens holding temporary visas in Australia

The Australian Government has offered a range of visa options to Myanmar citizens in Australia that may be available to suit individual circumstances, including the grant of new visas. 

Immigration department would be writing to the visa-holders with advice on how to “lawfully remain” in Australia.  

Some students from Myanmar, who have been agitating against the military coup online, have said they fear political persecution if they return. In the meantime, Australia provides protection to individuals who are consistent with the Status of Refugees.

If you have any questions about your visa extension please contact us on (02) 92115505, or send us a message via our Facebook.


澳洲移民部長莫里森於 2021 年 5 月 5 日宣布,由於緬甸持續不斷的動盪,目前在澳洲持有臨時簽證的緬甸國民可以申請延長逗留時間,直到安全返回家為止。

如果您是緬甸公民在澳洲並需要延長您的簽證,我們可以協助您。請聯繫我們雪梨辦公室的電話號碼:(02) 9211-5505,或於粉絲團私訊我們