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  • 總經理
  • PIER教育顧問 A006
  • 20年資深移民顧問
  • 移民顧問註冊號 MARN 0006795
  • MIA註冊號 16979
  • 太平紳士



  • 20年資深移民顧問
  • 移民顧問註冊號 MARN 0208493
  • 太平紳士




  • PIER教育顧問
  • 20年資深移民顧問
  • 太平紳士



  • 20年資深移民顧問
  • 商學碩士












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彭彭 (中國)


彭彭 (中國)

I am pleased to join PMEC’s team’s satisfied customers and to write down many successful stories of myself and my friends’ since 2015 till now. 
My permanent residency visa was approved within 25 days and it could not have been done without the help of Mr. Terry Chou and Ms. Jessie Feng. The team carried out procedures with an efficient, effective way at a fair cost. My case went smoothly and was granted in no time at all. 
My friend and her fiancé’s case was even more complicated and PMEC team got everything they need to prepare explained clearly and professionally stated. When they having meetings, every subject covered quickly and efficiently documented then forwarded to them via email which made the responses and correspondence clear and easy. It is such a pleasure to have the top ranking agent team dealing with visa difficulties.

Their professionalism , attention to detail and knowledge of the Acts and other relevant facets, even go extra miles for assisting skill assessment and employment advisory saved me a lot of hassles and hence I am strongly recommend PMEC for your one-stand migrant agent.

Miss Zhao (中國)

I just want to share my experience and let PMEC know that you guys do a really good job. I'm so glad I chose Pmec be my student visa’s agent. In these 4 years , I never have any problem with school because PMEC helps me manage and liaise with school.

Now it’s almost the end of my visa, but I will recommend PMEC to my friends and family who need to get a visa. Thank you for your service provided, thank you PMEC

Miss Loke (Malaysia)

I met PMEC consultant Ann a couple years ago,my wife introduced her to me. Since the first time she was really helpful,even when I wasn't able to go to her office she would help me by email.Ann is a very reliable and trustworthy person. 

I would definitely recommend PMEC service.

Mr M.C (Italy)


Ian (中國)

PMEC非常專業,我兒子曾經被拒簽,我找了無數的中介公司,但沒有一家中介公司敢接,當時我兒子已32歲,他們都說這個年紀如果拒簽一次就還是會拒簽,在我們最無助的時候幸運找到了 PMEC 的Ann,是她的專業愛心與認真成功幫我兒子拿下了學生簽,我兒子總說:Ann是他一輩子的恩人. 感恩遇到你們那麼專業又有大愛的公司 。

YH LI Mother 丹丹

PMEC - это компания с профессиональным подходом.

Командная работа, быстрая обработка документов и мгновенный ответ на любое мое сообщение. Дружелюбная атмосфера и всегда удачный результат.

PMEC is a company with a professional approach.Teamwork, quick processing of documents and instant response to any of my messages. Friendly atmosphere and always a successful result.

T. IVANOVA (Russia)

我是小陈,2008年从中国来到了悉尼。 那时候我年龄比较小,虽然喜欢IT,但对于要读什么课程不是很确定。PMEC (澳捷留学移民)的顾问,分析了我的实际情况,协助我制定了留学移民的整个规划,我不但完成了我喜欢专业的本科和硕士文凭,而且PMEC的移民代理提前为了做各种职业,工作分数等加分项的评估,使得我在技术移民打分65分的情况下顺利获得邀请并成功拿到了PR.


小陳 (中國)

Obviously, it’s nature to be skeptical when it comes to finding the right migration agents,not to mention the great one; But I have to say that I probably wouldn’t make it this far if I did not come across PMEC when I first came to Australia 10 years ago.

Applying for Visa can be quite intimidating but Lourdes, Terry and the entire PMEC team were there every step on the way and make the entire process smooth and efficient. They were highly knowledgeable, patients and thorough in their work; and a joy to partner with them.
If you are looking for an agent assisting your Visa, give PMEC a go. I highly recommend them.

S.J. WANG (台灣)

I just want to say to thank you to PMEC and in particular my agent Ann. I appreciate it how Ann was patient and always ready to answer every questions that I had for the Australian Citizenship application. Again thank you and I am very grateful will all your work.  

J. Koeh (Malaysia)

I would highly recommend PMEC to anyone wanting a hassle free easy visa application process. I dealt with Ms Ann and Lourdes at their Sydney branch and they were very professional and helpful at all times, and their communication was excellent in my student visa processing including my wife's student dependent visa, everything was completed in a snap.
Thank you for the amazing and fantastic service and all the very Best for your future endeavours!

Jason and Rachelle Hsu ( Taiwan & Philippines)

來到澳洲六年來,一直給PMEC留學仲介辦理,特別是幫客戶申請簽證時,做事十分謹慎,效率十分驚人,特別照顧一些學生,英文無法流利溝通的人,只要碰到有關澳洲的閱讀文件不明白,只要是PMEC的客戶們,都會給予特別的照顧,也會幫忙除了用簽證外的事,只要不過分,例如上次,緊急事情,要回韓國奔喪事,要在72小時內抵達韓國,當時學生簽證還沒發放下來,PMEC Counsultant Ann積極的幫我處理簽證,打電話去移民局,耐心撥打1-2小時後,轉接多次,與移民局人員交談後,不到半小時,我就收到批准的熱呼呼的學生簽,而我先生因為他們做事的效率讓他相信PMEC 的專業及用心。我也很高興,我選擇對的留學仲介-PMEC,讓我在澳洲讀書及簽證無後顧之憂。

Lisa H. C. TUAN (台灣)

Hello 我是Jason ,我是一個在澳洲多年的台灣人,移民真的是在比耐力,在過程中一定會有一些阻礙,也是會有感到困擾的時也是需要被協助的,但是只要有心一定可以成功,在這裡我要真心推薦PMEC這個團隊,在一次因緣際會下認識了Jenny ,就我自身的經歷,我在申請畢業簽證時,我的伴侶在不知情的情況下提供了錯誤的信息,導致我們的簽證有極大可能面臨到拒簽,還好我認識PMEC的Jenny,透過她的專業的分析及努力,挽救了我們的簽證,真的很謝謝她們讓我們可以成功留在澳洲繼續下去生活,要是換成是別人可能會叫我放棄吧! 之前也遇過仲介只為賺錢,完全不把客戶的利益放在第一位,每次諮詢Jenny都會讓我覺得她的建議是真心站在客戶的角度出發,所以我也敢推薦很多同學給Jenny,讓我的同學朋友們也可以在移民的路上,一切順利。

Jason (台灣)

我是周凱凱 非常感謝PMEC公司的幫忙 我在2016年麻煩他們幫我申請學生簽 效率很好 很快就幫我申請學生簽下簽 後來在2017我又麻煩他們幫我申請陪讀簽 由於一些證據的時間不足 所以被拒絕 但他們幫我做了AAT 他們會一直跟我提醒 我需要再多準備點資料 也會一直關心上訴的進度 最後在2020年7月 因為資料充足 所以順利的通過了 真的很感謝PMEC公司的幫忙--  


Thanks all for your help and professional advice with my student visa applications including my permanent visa  since 2014! You took my worries away as you always explain each stage of visa application clearly and efficiently. I would certainly
 recommend PMEC to everyone who is seeking help.  

Erick (中國)

I was about to take one of the most important steps of my life, to extend my visa, when my friend told me about PMEC services. Since the first day, we have been working together they show a willingness to help with my needs and they provide adequate and excellent support in the bureaucratic visa procedures. The staff are very professional, kind and sympathetic as well, in my opinion, these are very important characteristics to deal with international students. Many Thanks, PMEC for walking with me on this journey.

Iven de Melo