

社工需要了解人類行為和發展、生命週期階段、家庭和社交網絡、殘疾和健康,包括心理健康。 在澳洲社工的角色是幫助人們改善生活和促進社會福祉,通過社會協助(例如安全住房或家庭治療)改善問題。


  • 為澳洲優先移民職業清單
  • 畢業就可以移民及就業同時申請
  • 無工作經驗要求
  • 政府單位工作穩定
  • 薪資有保障





  • 心理學/案例管理
  • AHPRA 註冊 
  • 兒童保護服務 
  • 質量改進
  • 循證實踐 
  • 臨床實踐 
  • 人際敏感性
  • 判斷和決策






  • 完成澳洲AASW 認可的 4 年制學士學位或 2 年制碩士學位(特定海外學歷  亦可)學習過程必須完成 980 小時理論和臨床社會工作經驗
  • 滿足 AASW 制定的道德規範和實踐標準要求
  • 向澳洲社工協會提出申請



  • AASW:澳洲社會工作者協會 – 負責評估工作資格以及移民資格
  • IQA:海外資格評估者
  • IELTS:雅思英文考試
  • ASWEAS:澳洲社會工作教育和認證標準
  • ANZSCO 272511 Social worker:澳紐技術職業類別 – 社會工作者
  • AQF:澳洲教育質量監督維護監管機構 
  • BSW:社工學士課程
  • BSW(Hons):社工榮譽學士
  • MSW(Q):社工資格碩士 
  • TEQSA:澳洲國家高等教育質量保證監管機構

社工在澳洲不需註冊職業執照,但是雇主會要求社工成為成為 AASW 的會員,而且移民時一定要通過 AASW 的職業評估。

且移民時一定要通過 AASW 的職業評估。

AASW  澳洲社工協會評估內容

  • 教育背景 
  • 職業工作內容 
  • 英文要求 
  • 國家 
  • 學歷 必須要大學以上
  • 必須要有實習經驗實習時數 980 個小時
  • 英文雅思要求 4 個 7





  • 標準1:學歷必須是社工職業領域的特定學歷
  • 標準2:學歷必須被視為就學國家的專業社工學歷
  • 標準 3:專業社工學歷的學習成果與 AASW 認可的社工學歷的畢業生相等
  • 標準 4:至少有 980 小時的實習教育
  • 標準 5:具備高水平的英語語言技能(符合 AASW 英語語言標準

如果申請人的英語程度存在不確定性,AASW 保留要求申請人參加學術雅思考試的權利。
注意:AASW 只接受學術類雅思。
學士社工課程及研究生社工課程都是有資格符合社工評估,可以獲得 ASWEAS 的認可。

途徑 1:海外社工資格申請者



申請人可以提供認證的畢業證書作為學歷證明,確認已完成所有課程要求。請將畢業證書連同成績單和課程大綱一起遞交申請。AASW 就業評估和移民資格評估是分開的,但兩種評估使用相同的申請表

AASW 的國家評估目的是協助申請人了解有關移民或 AASW 會員資格。在提供正式結果之前,還是根據與上述澳洲社工教育的 5 個標準來評估申請人資格。所有申請人還必須滿足 AASW 的英文能力要求

途徑 2:澳洲學歷社工資/移民資格申請者

澳洲學歷的要求,根據 TEQSA,澳洲社工在學術上被認可 AQF 下 7 級 學士、8 級榮譽學士和 9 級碩士學位。 學位名稱分別是:

  • 社工學士 BSW 
  • 社工譽學士 BSW(Hons)
  • 社工碩士 MSW(Q)

海外學生留學取得移民的細部說明 : 

就讀學校要求:留學生們所選的學校必須要是在 AASW 所認可的學校及學歷。


英文門檻較低的途徑 – 大專社工(適用於英語 6.0 就可以入學者):

Diploma of Community Service 或 Diploma of Mental Health

高中畢業或者是其他科系大專學生,可以選擇就讀大專社區工作文憑課程,在澳洲完成大專學歷滿足英文要求 7.0,就可以以大專學分抵免就讀大學社工課程二年級,完成學業後申請移民及就業。

英文門檻達標的途徑(適用於英語 7.0 入學):

  • 社工學士:就讀大學四年課程,完成學業後申請移民
  •  學士後社工(碩士):大學海外本科讀社工,申請研究生課程兩年課程, 完成學業後申請移民
  • 社工研究生:大學海外就讀非社工,修習過特定社會學科目(各校規定不一,需要查詢)申請研究生課程兩年課程,完成學業後申請移民及就業
  • 社工研究生:大學海外就讀非社工,不曾修習過社會學科目,先研讀研究生短期預科班,完成學業後申請移民及就業

大學不是社工系畢業(依照申請人在學士課程中是否曾學習社會科學、社會福利、心理學或相關領域,並且有相關的先前學習經驗。)這部分由申請學校自行決定,未曾上過上述課程的學生會要求補上社會科學預科課程  。


就讀時間學士必須是 4 年,社工資格碩士則只要 2 年或者 2.5 年 。


所有的實習必須是在求學的過程期間完成,校方會協助學生在就學的過程中間完成 980 個小時的實習要求。換言之學生在畢業就已經完成了學術以及實習的要求, 就可以申請完全職業評估及移民。


坎培拉Australian Catholic UniversityBachelor of Social Work (1995)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1995)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009)
新南威爾斯 Charles Sturt UniversityBachelor of Social Work (1992) distance education available
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Work (1992)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)/Bachelor of Social Work (1992)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1992)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2008) distance education available
 University of New EnglandBachelor of Social Work (2008) distance education available
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2011) distance education available
 University of New South WalesBachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1965)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Bachelor of Law (1988)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Bachelor of Arts (1999)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Bachelor of Criminology & Criminal Justice (2013)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Bachelor of Social Research and Policy (2013)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Bachelor of Social Science (2021)
 University of NewcastleBachelor of Social Work (1991)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
 University of SydneyBachelor of Social Work (1970)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Work (1970)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2011)
 Western Sydney University (formerly University of Western Sydney)Bachelor of Social Work (1996)
Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice/ Bachelor of Social Work
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2016)
 University of WollongongBachelor of Social Work/ Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2015)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2018)
 Australian Catholic UniversityBachelor of Social Work (2004)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2015)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Work (2004)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009)
 Australian College of Applied Psychology (ACAP)Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2014)
Bachelor of Social Work/ Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2014)
 Excelsia CollegeMaster of Social Work (Qualifying) (2020) * Provisionally accredited
北領土Charles Darwin UniversityBachelor of Social Work / Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1995) distance education available
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2020) Provisionally accredited
昆士蘭Central Queensland UniversityBachelor of Social Work (2001) distance education available
 Griffith UniversityBachelor of Social Work (2005) distance education available
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2005)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2007) distance education available
Master of Social Work/Master of Mental Health Practice (2019)
 James Cook UniversityBachelor of Social Work (1978) distance education available
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1978)
Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying) (2009) distance education available
 Queensland University of TechnologyBachelor of Social Work (2007)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) 2007
Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Social Work (2007)
Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Social Work (Hons) (2007)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009)
 Southern Cross UniversityBachelor of Social Work (2020) – * Provisionally accredited distance education available
Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying) (2013) distance education available
 The University of QueenslandBachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1965)
Master of Social Work Studies (2008)
 University of the Sunshine CoastBachelor of Social Work (2008)
Bachelor of Social Work / Bachelor of Criminology and Justice (2020)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2011)
 Australian Catholic UniversityBachelor of Social Work (2006)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2015)
Bachelor of Theology/Bachelor of Social Work (2006)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Work (2006)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009)
南澳Flinders UniversityBachelor of Social Work and Social Planning (1974)*(*please note the above degree is phasing out, with no new student intake offered)
Bachelor of Social Work (2015)Bachelor of Social work (Honours)
Master of Social Work (Graduate entry) (2008) distance education available
 University of South AustraliaBachelor of Social Work (1975)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1975)
Master of Social Work (2009)
塔斯馬尼亞University of TasmaniaBachelor of Social Work (1984)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1984)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2010)
維多利亞州Deakin UniversityBachelor of Social Work (1994) distance education available
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1994)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009) distance education available
 La Trobe UniversityMaster of Social Work (2009)
Bachelor of Human Services / Master of Social Work (2010)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2020) Provisionally accredited
 Monash UniversityBachelor of Social Work (1974) distance education available
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1974)
Bachelor of Social Work/Bachelor of Health Sciences (2002)
Bachelor of Social Work/Bachelor of Arts (2002)​​​(*please note the above courses are being disestablished, with no new student intake offered )
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009) distance education available
 RMIT UniversityBachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1976)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) (1976)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2006)
 University of MelbourneMaster of Social Work (Qualifying) (2008)
 Federation UniversityMaster of Social Work (Qualifying) (2014)
 Victoria UniversityBachelor of Social Work (1990)
 Australian College of Applied Psychology (ACAP)Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2020) – * Provisionally accredited
Bachelor of Social Work (2021) – * Provisionally accredited
 Stott’s College / Acknowledge EducationBachelor of Social Work (2021) – * Provisionally accredited
西澳Curtin University (formerly Curtin University of Technology)Bachelor of Social Work (1982)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2019) -*Provisionally accredited
 Edith Cowan UniversityBachelor of Social Work (1998) distance education available
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1998)
 University of Western AustraliaMaster of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009)

海外留學生在完成社工課程以後,不同於會計師、工程師或者是電腦資訊相關職業必須完成一個職業年學習的要求才能取得完全職業評估,社工專業在認可的學校學習時完成 980 個小時實習時數就可以直接申請全職業評估並遞交 EOI 移民意向申請,獲邀後就直接申請申請移民,不須更多要求。

因為社工學生在入學的時候就要求雅思的需要有 4 個 7 ,所以所有的畢業生大都能夠滿足移民以及職業評估的要求。  
